The registration desk will be in the West Lobby of Lerner Hall. The street address for this is 2920 Broadway, New York, NY 10027 for which the closest cross street is 114th street. The reception on Sunday evening will be in the Auditorium at Lerner Hall.
For maps of Lerner Hall, please visit the Lerner Hall website.
Preliminary conference Block Schedule
Schedule Detail
Full Abstract Booklet
There will be a public talk associated with the conference by Kip Thorne and Rainer Weiss. More information can be found here.
The POSTER SESSION will be held on Thursday morning. Posters are to be no larger than 60 inches tall and 36 inches wide. They must be displayed in portrait configuration.
At this link speakers can find the Dropbox link for their respective sessions.
Plenary speakers
Markus Aspelmeyer (U Vienna, Austria), Leor Barack (University of Southampton, UK), Marica Branchesi (Universita degli studi di Urbino, Italy), Reinhard Genzel (Max Planck Institute for extraterrestrial physics, Germany), Gabriela Gonzalez (Louisiana State University, USA), Kelly Holley-Bockelmann (Vanderbilt University, USA), Gustav Holzegel (Imperial College, UK), Luis Lehner (Perimeter Institute, Canada), Rob Myers (Perimeter Institute, Canada), Samaya Nissanke (Radboud University, the Netherlands), Hiranya Peiris (University College London, UK) Martin Reuter (U Mainz, Germany), Masaru Shibata (U Kyoto, Japan), Andrew Strominger (Harvard, USA), Claude Warnick (Imperial College, UK), and Norbert Wex (Max Planck Institute for Radio Astronomy, Germany)
Panel discussion: The past 100 years and the future of general relativity
Peter Saulson (U Syracuse, USA), Beverly Berger (USA), Jean-Philippe Uzan (IAP, France)Parallel sessions
A1: Exact solutions and their interpretation Chair:Jiri Podolsky (Charles University, Czech Republic)
A2: Mathematical relativity and classical gravitation Chair: Marc Mars (University of Salamanca, Spain)
A3: Alternative and modified theories of gravity Chair: Shinji Mukohyama (Yukawa Institute, Japan)
A4: Complex and conformal methods in classical and quantum gravity Chair: Juan Valiente Kroon (Queen Mary University, UK)
B1: Relativistic astrophysics Chair: Alessandra Corsi (Texas Tech, USA)
B2: Numerical relativity Chair: Deirdre Shoemaker (Gatech, USA)
B3: Approximations, perturbation theory, and their applications Chair: Leonardo Gualtieri (Rome Sapienza, Italy)
B4: Cosmology: Theory and observations Chair:Joanne Dunkley (Oxford, UK)
C1: Pulsar Timing Arrays Chair: Gemma Janssen (ASTRON, Netherlands)
C2: Gravitational waves: Searches, data analysis, parameter estimation, and multimessenger astronomy Chair: Laura Cadonati (Gatech, USA)
C3: Gravitational waves: Present and future of ground-based and space-based detectors Chair: David McClelland (Australian National U, Australia)
C4: Experimental gravitation Chair: Silke Weinfurtner (U Nottingham, UK)
D1: Loop quantum gravity and spin foams Co-chairs: Madhavan Varadarajan (Raman Research Institute, India) and Alejandro Perez (Marseille, France)
D2: Strings, branes, entanglement, AdS/CFT, and all that Chair: Veronika Hubeny (UC Davis, USA)
D3: Causal sets, causal dynamical triangulations, non-commutative geometry, asymptotic safety, and other approaches to quantum gravity Chair: Jan Ambjorn (Niels Bohr Institute, Denmark)
D4: Quantum fields in curved space-time, semiclassical gravity, quantum gravity phenomenology, and analog models Chair: Ralf Schutzhold (Duisburg-Essen, Germany)
Plenary Talks
Monday, July 11, 2016:- Kelly Holley-Bockelmann: LISA Signature of Black Hole Growth
- Gustav Holzegel: Recent Progress in the Black Hole Stability Problem
- Norbert Wex: Precision Gravity Tests with Radio Pulsars
- Marica Branchesi: Multi-Messenger Astronomy
- Gabriela Gonzalez: Searching for - and finding - Gravitational Waves
- Samaya Nissanke: Clash of the Titans: New Astrophysics of Binary Black Holes
- Beverly Berger, Peter Saulson and Jean-Philippe Uzan: After 100 Years of General Relativity
- Robert Myers: Entanglement, Holography, and Gravity
- Martin Reuter: Asymptotic Safety
- Claude Warnick: Quasinormal Modes of Black Holes
Friday, July 15, 2016:
- Leor Barack: Gravitational Force in Extreme-Mass-Ratio Binaries
- Luis Lehner: Surprises in Strong/Non-Linear Gravity
Presentation Slides
A1: Exact solutions and their interpretation Chair:Jiri Podolsky (Charles University, Czech Republic)- Virginia Trimble: General Relativity and the Great War
- Nora Breton: Ergosphere of the Born-Infeld Black Hole
- Yuan K. Ha: Quasi-local Energy for Black Holes
- David Kubiznak: Thermodynamics of Accelerating Black Holes
- Mohammad Akbar: Lie point symmetries, vacuum Einstein equations, and Ricci solitons
- Norbert Van den Bergh: Non-aligned Einstein-Maxwell fields
- Antonio C. Guierrez-Pineres: Equatorial circular orbits of test particles in a conformastatic background
- Vojtech Pravda: Algebraic classi cation of spacetimes - recent developments
- Robert Svarc: Explicit algebraic classi cation of Robinson-Trautman and Kundt geometries
- Harvey Reall: Algebraically special solutions in five dimensions
- Alena Pravdova: Universal metrics in modi ed theories of gravity
- Pavel Krtous: Various limits of Kerr-NUT-AdS spacetimes
- Ivan Kolar: Higher dimensional spacetimes with a separable Klein-Gordon equation
- Marcello Ortaggio: Electromagnetic fields with vanishing scalar invariants
- Eric Hirschmann: Towards a charged Myers-Perry black hole
- Gonzalo J. Olmo: Geodesically complete black hole space-times in arbitrary dimension Kunihito Uzawa: Violation of cosmic censorship in dynamical p-brane systems
- Yota Watanabe: Caustic-singularity-free scalar field theory with shift-symmetry
- Marcos Ramirez: Vacuum thin shells in EGB brane-world cosmology
- Anthony Lun: On Stability of the Static Charged Brans-Dicke Spacetimes
- Muhammad Sharif: Study of Thin-Shell Wormholes Stability
- Brien Nolan: Particle and photon orbits in flat and non-flat McVittie spacetimes
- Brett Bochner: Solving the Einstein-Maxwell Equations for the Propagation of Relativistic Energy during Kasner and other Anisotropic Early Universe Models
- Woei Chet Lim: Non-orthogonally transitive G2 spike solution
- Daniel Guariento: Causal structure of cosmological black holes under scalar-field accretion
- Khalid Saifullah: Hawking radiation from magnetized black holes
- Helgi Freyr Runarsson: The effects of self-interactions on spinning boson stars and Kerr black holes with scalar hair
- Ambrish Raghoonundun: Viability of some classes of static spherically symmetric exact interior solutions as models for compact objects
- Irene Brito: Elastic waves in spherically symmetric elastic spacetimes
- Filip Hejda: Kinematic restrictions on particle collisions near extremal black holes - a unified analysis
- Gezahegn Zewdie Abebe: A group theoretic approach to shear-free radiating stars
- Pedro Mafa Takisa: Stellar objects in the quadratic regime
- Daniele Malafarina: On the conditions for the formation of exotic compact objects from gravitational collapse
- Sergiu Vacaru: Interpretation of Generic Off-Diagonal Exact Solutions in Einstein Gravity and Modifications
- Tomas Malek: Universal Walker metrics
- Philippe G. LeFloch: The global nonlinear stability of Minkowski space for the f(R) theory of modified gravity
- Harvey Reall: Causality and hyperbolicity of Lovelock theories of gravity
- Jeremie Joudioux: The vector field methods for the relativistic transport equations
- David Fajman: The Einstein flow on closed surfaces
- Hakan Andreasson: Models for self-gravitating photon shells and geons
- Katharina Radermacher: Strong Cosmic Censorship in cosmological Bianchi class B perfect fluids and vacuum
- Carsten Gundlach: Scalar field critical collapse in 2+1 dimensions
- James Vickers: Causality theory for C11 metrics
- Michael Kunzinger: Singularity theorems in regularity C11
- Susan Scott: The Abstract Boundary Singularity Theorem and its Generalizations
- Lode Wylleman: The threefold classification of spacetime tensors
- Eric Gourgoulhon: Exploring black hole spacetimes with SageManifolds
- Alfonso Garcia-Parrado Gomez-Lobo: New conserved currents for vacuum space-times in dimension four with a Killing vector
- Kentaro Tanabe: Charged rotating black holes at large D
- J. Erik Baxter: New hairy black hole and soliton solutions to anti de-Sitter Einstein-Yang-Mills theories
- Jerzy Lewandowski: When near horizon geometries meet non-expanding horizons
- James Lucietti: Transverse deformations of extremal horizons
- Ilia Musco: Causal Nature and Dynamics of Trapping Horizons in Black Hole Collapse and Cosmology
- Jose Senovilla: Shear-free surfaces and distinguished dynamical horizons
- Netta Engelhardt: A New Area Law in General Relativity
- Emma Jakobsson: A Toy Penrose inequality and its proof
- Volker Perlick: Influence of a plasma on light propagation in general relativity
- Abraham Harte: Gravitational lensing beyond geometric optics
- Marcus Khuri: Geometric Inequalities Involving Mass, Angular Momentum, and Charge
- Gilbert Weinstein: A lower bound for the mass of multiple charged rotating black holes
- Maria Eugenia Gabach-Clement: Size and angular momentum of axisymmetric objects
- Gustavo Dotti: Black hole nonmodal linear stability: the Schwarzschild (A)dS cases
- Andres Acena: Extremal black hole initial data deformations
- Istvan Racz: Constraints as evolutionary systems
- Nishanth Gudapati: On Asymptotic Behavior of 2+1 Einstein-Wave Map System
- David Garfinkle: Gravitational wave memory in the expanding universe
- Alexander Tolish: The Cosmological Memory Effect
- Maciej Maliborski: The (in)stability of anti-de Sitter spacetime-resonant approximation
- Stephen Green: Superradiant instabilities of asymptotically anti-de Sitter black holes
- Jorge Rocha: Dynamics of con ned double-shells systems, critical behavior and chaos
- Peter Zimmerman: Nonaxisymmetric horizon instability of extremal black holes
- Claudio Paganini: Mode Stability on the Real Axis
- Kartik Prabhu: First Law for fields with Internal Gauge Freedom
- Gregory Gabadadze: The Cost to Cancel the Cosmological Constant
- Alexander Zakharov: Bounding the graviton mass with observations of S2 like stars near the Galactic Center
- Shuang-Yong Zhou: The Lambda2 limit of massive gravity
- Laura Bernard: Partially massless gravitons on space-times beyond Einstein
- Yasuho Yamashita: Constraint on ghost-free bigravity from Cherenkov radiation
- Katsuki Aoki: Bigravitons as dark matter and gravitational waves
- Gustavo Niz: Black Holes and Abelian Symmetry Breaking
- Amanda Weltman: Testing the Dark Universe
- Tsutomu Kobayashi: Primordial non-Gaussianities of gravitational waves beyond Horndeski
- Raissa Mendes: Testing scalar-tensor theories of gravity with highly compact neutron stars
- Nestor Ortiz: Spontaneous scalarization of neutron stars in the unconstrained parameter regime of scalar-tensor theories
- Takafumi Kokubu: Does the Gauss-Bonnet term stabilizes wormholes?
- Sudan Hansraj: Compact objects in Lovelock gravity theory
- Carlos Barcelo: A conformally-invariant equal-footing description of Electromagnetism and Gravity
- Chris Vuille: The spacetime between Einstein and Kaluza-Klein
- Richard Woodard: Nonlocal Metric Realizations of MOND
- Roxana Rosca: Supernova core collapse in scalar-tensor theory with massive fields
- Leo Stein: Numerical black holes and mergers in dynamical Chern-Simons gravity
- Ilia Musco: Quasi-Static Solutions for Compact Objects in Chameleon Models
- Emre Kahya: Galactic Shapiro delay for Gravitational waves
- Emil Mottola: Scalar Gravitational Waves
- Bernard Carr: Sub-Planckian black holes as a link between microphysics and macrophysics
- David Kubiznak: Horizon thermodynamics and Lovelock black holes
- Riccardo March: Parametrized post-Newtonian plus Yukawa(PPNY) approximation of nonminimally coupled gravity
- Neo Mohapi: The Equivalence Principle in the Dark Sector
- Rhondale Tso: Reshaping the Dispersion & Polarization of Gravitational Waves to Test GR
- Kohji Yajima: Suppressing the primordial tensor amplitude without changing the scalar sector in quadratic curvature gravity
- Sakine Nishi: Growing tensor perturbations on super horizon scales in Generalized Galilean Genesis
- Luigi Pilo: Self gravitating medium and modified gravity
- Atsushi Naruko: Gravitational scalar-tensor theory
- Michael Seifert: Bootstrapping a Lorentz-violating gravity theory
- Karan Fernandes: The Kaluza Ansatz in Eddington-inspired Born-Infeld gravity
- Borja Reina: Double layers in quadratic theories of gravity
- Hiromu Ogawa: Instability of hairy black holes in shift-symmetric Horndeski theories
- Remigiusz Durka: Semigroup expanded algebras and gravity
- Todd Oliynyk: Future stability of the FLRW fluid solutions with a positive cosmological constant
- Filipe Mena: Conformal regularity and non-linear stability of spatially homogeneous spacetimes with a positive cosmological constant
- Beatrice Bonga: Asymptotics with a positive cosmological constant
- Tim-Torben Paetz: Characterization of (asymptotically) Kerr-de Sitter-like spacetimes at null infinity
- Edgar Gasperin Garcia: Conformal properties of the Schwarzschild-de Sitter spacetime
- Joerg Hennig: The conformally invariant wave equation near the cylinder at spacelike infinity
- Aruna Kesavan: New tensorial charge for BMS symmetries
- David Nichols: Conserved charges of the extended Bondi-Metzner-Sachs algebra
- George Sparling: The structure of spaces of null geodesics
- Michael Cole: A geometric characterisation of black hole spacetimes using Killing spinors
- Joerg Frauendiener: Using the generalised conformal field equations to study the `ringing' of a Schwarzschild black hole
- Jarrod Williams: The conformal constraints as an evolution system
- Juan Margalef: Parametrized theories, making EM even gaugier
- Jose Luis Jaramillo: Complexified MOTS-stability operator: an approach to the spectral problem
- Anna Watts: From Relativity to QCD: the Equation of State of Neutron Stars
- Katerina Goluchova: ISCO frequencies for rotating neutron stars - simple and accurate formulae
- Scott Lawrence: Approximating waveforms of rapidly rotating neutron stars
- Jose de Araujo: Gravitational waves from pulsars with measured braking index
- John Friedman: Can magnetic- eld windup kill the r-mode instability of neutron stars?
- Cole Miller: An Upper Bound on Neutron Star Masses from Models of Short Gamma-Ray Bursts
- Huan Yang: Crustal dynamics of magnetars and its connection to magnetar bursts
- Brynmor Haskell: Modeling gravitational wave emission from LMXBs
- Ian Hawke: Beyond ideal MHD: resistive, reactive and relativistic plasmas
- Scott Field: A Task-based Discontinuous Galerkin Code for Solving Multiphysics Problems in General Relativity
- Vladimir Karas: Accretion of gaseous clumps from the Galactic Centre Mini-spiral onto Milky Way's supermassive black hole
- Brian Metzger: Signatures of Neutron Star Mergers in the Era of Gravitational Wave Astronomy
- David Radice: Dynamical ejecta from binary neutron star mergers
- Riccardo Ciolfi: Short gamma-ray bursts from binary neutron star mergers forming long-lived neutron stars
- Eric Van Oeveren: Limits set by causality on neutron-star deformability and on the tidally induced change in inspiral waveform
- Scott Noble: Lighting Up Inspiraling Binary Black Hole Systems
- Dennis Bowen: Astrophysical Mini-Disks during General Relativistic Black Hole Binary Inspiral
- Gabriel Torok: Constraining models of twin peak quasi-periodic oscillations with realistic neutron star equations of statek
- Imre Bartos: Rapid and Bright Stellar-mass binary Black Hole Mergers in AGNs
- John VanLandingham: The Role of the Kozai-Lidov Mechanism in Black Hole Binary Mergers in Galactic Centers
- Nathan Leigh: The Origins of Stellar-Mass Black Holes in the Milky Way
- Anslyn John: Viewing the shadow of a black hole through a magnetized plasma
- Oleg Tsupko: Influence of a plasma on the shadow of a spherically symmetric black hole and other chromatic effects of gravitational lensing in presence of plasma
- Dmitri Lebedev: Cosmological Constant and Gravitational Lensing
- Pedro V.P. Cunha: Lensing by boson stars and shadows of Kerr black holes with scalar hair
- Yasaman Yazdi: Accretion in Radiative Equipartition (AiRE) Disks
- Alejandro Cardenas-Avendano: A model for testing strong gravity via X-ray reflection spectroscopy
- Masha Baryakhtar: Discovering the QCD Axion with Black Holes and Gravitational Waves
- Daniele Gregoris: Friction forces: formulation and applications in general relativity
- Chad Galley: Fast and accurate prediction of numerical Green's functions in black hole spacetimes using surrogate models
- Yosef Zlochower: Modeling the Remnant Black Hole from the Merger of Precessing Black-Hole Binaries
- Matthew Giesler: Nearly extremal binary black hole simulations
- Daniel Hemberger: Binary black hole simulations for surrogate modeling
- Ian Hinder: An eccentric binary black hole inspiral-merger-ringdown gravitational waveform model from post-Newtonian and numerical relativity
- Xisco Jimenez: Systematic numerical relativity fits to gravitational-wave peak luminosity and final states of binary black hole mergers
- Jam Sadiq: Comparing Space-time using Geometric Scalars
- Sebastiano Bernuzzi: How Loud are Neutron Star Mergers in the Gravitational Window?
- Berndt Bruegmann: Solving 3D relativistic hydrodynamical problems with WENO discontinuous Galerkin
- Tim Dietrich: Generic Binary Neutron Stars Systems
- Wolfgang Kastaun: Merger of spinning neutron stars with nuclear physics EOS
- Steven Liebling: Unequal mass binary neutron star mergers and multimessenger signals
- Riccardo Ciolfi: Binary neutron star mergers in GRMHD: the case of long-lived neutron star remnants
- Ulirch Sperhake: Matter does not matter: Universality in ultra-relativistic black-hole collisions
- Alex Vano-Vinuales: Free hyperboloidal evolution of strong field initial data in spherical symmetry
- Eloisa Bentivegna: Cosmological modelling with numerical relativity
- William East: Dynamics of the In ationary Higgs Vacuum Instability
- Juan Barranco: Schwarzschild scalar wigs: spectral analysis and late time behavior
- Maria Okounkova: Numerical Tests of Cosmic Censorship
- Carsten Gundlach: Critical collapse of rotating radiation fluids
- Dumsani Ndzinisa: Co-moving frames for BSSNOK evolutions of dynamical spacetimes
- Davide Gerosa: Averaging the average: multi-timescale analysis of precessing black-hole binaries
- Michael Kesden: Precession of the total angular momentum of binary black-hole systems
- Nicolas Yunes: Analytic, Frequency-Domain Waveform Models for Generic, Spin-Precessing, Compact Binary Inspirals
- Laura Bernard: Dynamics of non-spinning compact binaries at the fourth post-Newtonian order
- Michele Levi: An effective field theory for gravitating spinning objects in the PN scheme
- Alejandro Bohe: An updated Effective-One-Body model for non-precessing binary black holes
- Marc Favata: Modeling and detectability of the gravitational wave memory
- Aaron Zimmerman: Measuring the redshift factor in binary black hole simulations
- Hajime Sotani: Gravitational waves of core-collapse supernova at post-bounce phase
- Philippe Landry: Dynamical Tidal Response of a Rotating Neutron Star
- Paolo Pani: Tidal deformations of compact objects and their impact for gravitational-wave astronomy
- Kent Yagi: Gravitational Wave Physics with Binary Love Relations
- Jan Steinhoff: Analytic models for compact binaries: spin and dynamic tides
- Justin Vines: Hamiltonian for an extended test body in curved spacetime: To quadratic order in spin
- Ryan Lang: Gravitational radiation from compact binaries in scalar-tensor gravity
- Noah Sennett: Modeling dynamical scalarization of neutron-star binaries
- Richard Brito: Interaction between bosonic dark matter and stars
- Adam Pound: Second-order self-force calculations: a progress report
- Takahiro Tanaka: Adiabatic approach to the second order orbital evolution in black hole spacetime
- Peter Diener: Progress on the numerical calculation of the self-force in the time domain
- Niels Warburton: Inspiral into Gargantua
- Shahar Hadar: Gravity waves from plunges into rapidly rotating black holes via Kerr/CFT
- Alexandre Le Tiec: Orbital dynamics of eccentric compact binaries
- Bernard F Whiting: Gauge invariant perturbations of Petrov type D space-times
- David Daverio: On our way to a full GR n-body code, gevolution and LAtfield2
- David Wiltshire: Differential expansion of space and the Hubble flow anisotropy
- Matthew Johnson: Observable effects of general relativistic non-linearities in cosmology, primordial and present
- Julien Larena: Stochastic cosmological lensing
- Viraj Sanghai: Relativistic cosmological modelling for non-linear structure formation
- Tonatiuh Matos: Galaxies Simulations with Scalar Field Dark Matter
- Roberto Sussman: A fully relativistic Zeldovich approximation to describe multiple structures
- Ilia Musco: Curvature perturbation, gravitational collapse and primordial black hole formation
- Richard Woodard: Fine Tuning May Not Be Enough
- Jonathan Braden: Superhorizon effects on the observable universe using numerical relativity
- Anne-Sylvie Deutsch: Cosmic variance in inflation with two light scalars
- Antonino Marciano: Chern-Simons Inflation: Inflation from fermionic matter interacting with a gauge field
- Zhi Yang: Gauge inflation with Chern Simons term - 1
- Chandrima Ganguly: Anisotropic pressures in cyclic universes
- Bernard Carr: Primordial black holes and the Galactic gamma-ray background
- Atsushi Nishizawa: Anisotropies of Gravitational-Waves from Black-Hole Binaries as a Tracer of Dark Matter
- Nicola Tamanini: Late time cosmology with eLISA
- David Edwards: The Phase Space of a Cosmological Scalar Field
- Daniele Gregoris: Cosmological applications of the Shan-Chen equation of state
- Alejandro Perez: Dark energy from non-unitarity in quantum theory
- Victor Hugo Robles: Constraining the mysterious dark matter with recent cosmological and galactic observations
- Jailson Alcaniz: Baryon Acoustic Oscillations from the SDSS galaxies angular correlation function
- Maria Elidaiana da Silva Pereira: Density profiles of galaxy clusters in the CFHT Stripe 82 survey from weak gravitational lensing
- Brajesh Gupt: Inflationary perturbations in a closed FLRW universe and CMB anomalies
- Nelson Pinto-Neto: Quantum Cosmological Perturbations of Multiple Fluids and Application to Bouncing Models
- Daniel Sudarsky: Inflationary Models? Viability and the Quantum-Classical Transition
- Emre Onur Kahya: Time-Dependent Scalar Mode Functions effect to Non-Gaussianity
- Andrea Lommen: The International Pulsar Timing Array
- Robert Ferdman: A Gravitational Wave Processing-Enabled Archive
- Gilles Theureau: Gravity tests with the Square Kilometre Array
- Joseph Simon: Linking Galaxy Evolution Parameters and Pulsar Timing Array Observations
- Maria Charisi: A population of periodic quasars from PTF as milliparsec supermassive black hole binaries-Prospects for PTA discovery
- Nicolas Caballero: Developments in low-frequency gravitational-wave searches in the European Pulsar Timing Array
- Dustin Madison: Pulsar Timing Arrays Beyond the Stochastic GW Background
- Joel Weisberg: Measurements of Gravitational Waves and other Relativistic Parameters in the Binary Pulsar PSR B1913+16
- Gemma Janssen: Peculiar results of long-term millisecond pulsar timing
- David Nice: NANOGrav High-Precision Pulsar Timing and the Search for Nanohertz Gravitational Waves
- Shami Chatterjee: Fast Radio Bursts: Searching for needles in a very large haystack
- Sylvain Marsat: Fourier-domain modulation and delay of gravitational wave signals: application to the response of LISA-type detectors and to precessing binaries
- Didier Verkindt: Advanced Virgo Data Quality and Online Monitoring
- Serena Vinciguerra: Accelerating CBC parameter estimation with multi-band frequency domain waveforms
- Karl Wette: Building the next Einstein@Home search code for continuous gravitational waves
- Miriam Cabero Mueller: Prospects for observing multiple ringdown modes in a binary black hole detection and testing the Kerr nature of the final black hole
- Jeroen Meidam: Tests of General Relativity in the Advanced Detector Era
- Jonathan Blackman: Surrogate Models of Precessing Binary Black Hole Waveforms from Numerical Relativity Simulations
- Juan Calderon Bustillo: Impact of higher order modes in gravitational wave searches for binary black holes
- Alvin Chua: An improved analytic extreme-mass-ratio inspiral waveform model
- Eliu Huerta: An inspiral-merger-ringdown waveform model for compact binaries on eccentric orbits
- Sascha Husa: Phenomenological waveform models for the advanced detector era
- Lionel London: Learning with Future Gravitational Wave Detections
- Barbara Patricelli: Prospects for joint GW and high-energy EM observations of BNS mergers
- Daniel Siegel: Electromagnetic counterparts from long-lived binary neutron star merger remnants
- Marek Szczepanczyk: Core-Collapse Supernova Science with Advanced LIGO and Virgo
- Miquel Oliver: Improved all-sky Hough search for continuous gravitational waves
- Avneet Singh: Search for Continuous Wave Transients: Toward Neutron Star Equation of State
- Sinead Walsh: First Einstein@Home all-sky search for continuous gravitational waves in advanced LIGO data
- Sylvia Zhu: A directed Einstein@Home search for continuous gravitational waves from Cassiopeia A
- John Conklin: Development of advanced gravitational reference sensor technologies for LISA
- Naoki Seto: Prospects of eLISA for Detecting Galactic Binary Black Holes Similar to GW150914
- Massimo Tinto: A geostationary Laser Interferometer Space Antenna
- Yoichi Aso: R&D for the gravitational wave detector KAGRA
- Keiko Kokeyama: First Test Operation of Underground Gravitational-Wave Detector, iKAGRA, and future plans
- David McManus: Investigating Newtonian noise: TorPeDO and the LHO seismometer array
- Giles Hammond: Cryogenics for future GW detectors
- Volker Quetschke: Status of laser for next generation cryogenic silicon optics
- Yiqui Ma: Arm cavity filter cavity via EPR entanglement
- Haixing Miao: Unstable white light cavity GW detectors
- Bryan Barr: Progress on the demonstration of a quantum speed meter
- John Miller: Squeezed states of light for Advanced LIGO and beyond
- Ralf Schuetzhold: Introduction
- Jeff Steinhauer: Observation of quantum Hawking radiation and its entanglement in an analogue black hole
- Richard Dudley: Undulations is a BEC black hole analog model
- Angus Prain: Analogue cosmology in thin sheets of metamaterial
- Andrei Lebed: Inequivalence between Active Gravitational Mass and Energy for a Composite Quantum Body
- Manu Paranjape: Gravitationally Induced Quantum Transitions
- Stefano Bianco: The CMB spectrum, inflation and quantum-gravity modified dispersion relation
- Christian Pfeifer: The geometry of spacetime from (modified) dispersion relations
- Robert Bluhm: Testing Gravity with the Standard Model Extension (SME)
- David M. Lucchesi: Testing general relativity with satellite laser ranging
- Mariateresa Crosta: Relativistic Astrometry: The Gaia Experiment
- Meike List: MICROSCOPE - Testing the Weak Equivalence Principle in Space
- Benny Rievers: Solar Radiation Pressure Modeling for a Gravitational Redshift
- Giovanni A. Prodi: Experimental upper limits to generalized Heisenberg uncertainty relations using harmonic oscillators
- Niccolo Loret: Testing QG-modified laws of propagation for neutrinos with IceCube data
- Norman Gurlebeck: BOOST: Testing Lorentz Invariance in Space
- Stefano Liberati: Quantum Gravity Phenomenology with and without Lorentz
- Yuri Bonder: Using Effective Field Theory to test Lorentz invariance: self-consistency tests in curved spacetime
- Viqar Husain: Low energy Lorentz violation from modified dispersion at high energies
- Eugenio Bianchi: Entanglement entropy during inflation
- Shun-Pei Miao: Electrodynamic E ects from In ationary Gravitons
- Enrico D. Schiappacasse: Graviton Creation by Small Scale Factor Oscillations in an Expanding Universe
- Ian Morrison: Integrable QFTs in inflation
- Tomislav Prokopec: Quantum Scalar Corrections to the Gravitational Potentials on de Sitter Background
- Philippe Jetzer: Fundamental physics with space clocks in highly elliptic orbits
- Claus Laemmerzahl: Testing gravitomagnetism with clocks
- Jonathan Richardson: Search for Space-Time Correlations from the Planck Scale with the Fermilab Holometer
- Johanna Karouby: Quantum Gravitational Force Between Polarizable Objects
- Paul Anderson: Method to compute the stress tensor for quantum elds outside of a black hole that forms from collapse
- Jan E. Aman: Thermodynamic Metrics for Black Hole Physics
- Yongwan Gim: Effective Tolman temperature induced by trace anomaly
- Daniel Sudarsky: The black hole information paradox in the light of quantum theories involving dynamical spontaneous state reduction
- Sebastian Schuster: Sparsity of the Hawking Flux
- Ko Sanders: Local vs. global temperature for QFT in curved spacetimes
- Ibrahim Semiz: Test matter fields, (near-)extremal black holes, and weak cosmic censorship
- Yuki Yokokura: A Self-consistent Description of Black Hole Evaporation
- Alejandro Satz: Vacuum polarization throughout subtracted black hole spacetimes
- Partha Sarathi Majumdar: Black Hole Entropy Perspective on Neutron Star Mass
- Marc Casals: Quantum dress for a naked singularity
- Deborah Konkowski: Quantum resolution of timeline, classical singularities
- Goncalo Quinta: Quantum Vacuum polarization in Large Dimensional Spacetimes
- Adam Levi: Stress tensor regularization and BH evaporation
- Peter Taylor: A practical and efficient mode-sum renormalization scheme for computing vacuum polarization in black hole
- Birses Debir: Post Newtonian Approximation of Black Hole Entropy
- Abhay Ashtekar: Loop Quantum Gravity: Some Recent Advances
- Wolfgang Wieland: Angular momentum and centre of mass from generalised Witten equations
- Philipp Hoehn: Can chaos be observed in quantum gravity?
- Eugenio Bianchi: Entanglement and the architecture of spacetime
- Jonathan Guglielmon: Squeezed Vacua in Loop Quantum Gravity
- Nelson Yokomizo: Long range correlations in loop quantum gravity
- Suzanne Lanery: Projective State Spaces for Quantum Gravity
- Carlo Rovelli: Computing black holes lifetime with LQG
- Francesca Vidotto: Quantum-gravity signals from primordial black holes
- Alejandro Corichi: Black Hole Singularity Resolution: Lesson from LQC
- Javier Olmedo: Spherically symmetric quantum spacetimes coupled to a thin null-dust shell
- Parampreet Singh: On the relationship between the modifications to dynamical equations, and canonical Hamiltonian structures & polymerization
- Sahil Saini: Boundedness of curvature invariants and lack of strong singularities in loop quantization of Kantowski-Sachs spacetime
- Edward Wilson-Ewing: Bouncing cosmologies from quantum gravity condensates
- Ilya Vilensky: Cosmological transition amplitudes with Proper Vertex
- Lee Smolin: The Thermodynamics of quantum spacetime histories
- Jerzy Lewandowski: Canonical Loop Quantum Gravity
- Seth Major: Quantization of Plane Gravitational Waves: An update
- Rodolfo Gambini: Conformal Loop quantization of gravity coupled to the standard model
- Ivan Agullo: Loop Quantum Cosmology and the CMB
- Mercedes Martin-Benito: Primordial fluctuations in Quantum Cosmology
- Brajesh Gupt: Phenomenology of loop quantum cosmology and CMB observations
- Sreenath Vijayakumar: Evolution of perturbations in anisotropic loop quantum cosmology
- Seth Kurankyi Asante: Holography: From Discretum to Continuum
- Lin-Qing Chen: Bulk amplitude and degree of divergence in 4d spin foams
- Clement Delcamp: A new basis for Loop Quantum Gravity and application to coarse-graining
- Mike Kagan: Resistance distance in discretized gravity
- Saeed Rastgoo: Spacetime emergence through a geometric renormalization method
- Oscar Dias: AdS nonlinear instability: moving beyond spherical symmetry
- Benson Way: Black Resonators
- Jorge Eduardo Santos: Localised AdS5S5 Black Holes
- Lauren Greenspan: Polarised Black Holes in AdS
- Gary Horowitz: New Insights into Quantum Gravity from Gauge/gravity Duality
- Sebastian Fischetti: Bulk Consequences of Boundary Causality
- Donald Marolf: Comments on Causal Holographic Information and the Coarse-grained Quantum Null Energy
- Xi Dong: Entanglement, Gravity, and Quantum Error Correction
- Lucas Hackl: Entanglement production and Lyapunov exponents
- Ryan Westernacher-Schneider: Crossing the duality: the turbulence and statistics of gravity
- Miguel Zilhao: Holographic Heavy Ion Collisions in Non-Conformal Theories
- Roberto Emparan: Black holes at large D: Things we've learned so far
- Juan Maldacena: Quantum mechanical models for black holes
- James Lucietti: Black lenses
- Hari Kunduri: Black hole non-uniqueness from spacetime topology
- Harvey Reall: Instability of supersymmetric microstate geometries
- Gavin Hartnett: Thinking outside the truncation: new hair for holographic superconductors
- Eric Perlmutter: Holographic general relativity
- Eanna Flanagan: Infrared Effects in the Late Stages of Black Hole Evaporation
- Steven Carlip: The dynamics of boundary diffeomorphisms
- Renate Loll: Causal Dynamical Triangulations - a progress report
- Daniel Coumbe: Searching for a Continuum Limit in CDT Quantum Gravity
- Kevin Grosvenor: Phases of Gravity with Anisotropic Scaling
- Nicolai Christiansen: Non-Perturbative Renormalization of Graviton Vertex Functions
- Alejandro Perez: Dark energy from energy-momentum conservation violations
- Lisa Glaser: Spectral dimension in non-commutative geometry
- Lee Smolin: Energetic causal sets
- Sumati Surya: The Hartle Hawking Wave Function in Causal Set Quantum Gravity
- Viqar Husain: Ground state of the universe and the cosmological constant
- Dionigi Benincasa: Causal Sets and Nonlocality: Recent Developments
- Ralf Schuetzhold: Introduction
- Jeff Steinhauer: Observation of quantum Hawking radiation and its entanglement in an analogue black hole
- Richard Dudley: Undulations is a BEC black hole analog model
- Angus Prain: Analogue cosmology in thin sheets of metamaterial
- Andrei Lebed: Inequivalence between Active Gravitational Mass and Energy for a Composite Quantum Body
- Manu Paranjape: Gravitationally Induced Quantum Transitions
- Stefano Bianco: The CMB spectrum, inflation and quantum-gravity modified dispersion relation
- Christian Pfeifer: The geometry of spacetime from (modified) dispersion relations
- Robert Bluhm: Testing Gravity with the Standard Model Extension (SME)
- David M. Lucchesi: Testing general relativity with satellite laser ranging
- Mariateresa Crosta: Relativistic Astrometry: The Gaia Experiment
- Meike List: MICROSCOPE - Testing the Weak Equivalence Principle in Space
- Benny Rievers: Solar Radiation Pressure Modeling for a Gravitational Redshift
- Giovanni A. Prodi: Experimental upper limits to generalized Heisenberg uncertainty relations using harmonic oscillators
- Niccolo Loret: Testing QG-modified laws of propagation for neutrinos with IceCube data
- Norman Gurlebeck: BOOST: Testing Lorentz Invariance in Space
- Stefano Liberati: Quantum Gravity Phenomenology with and without Lorentz
- Yuri Bonder: Using Effective Field Theory to test Lorentz invariance: self-consistency tests in curved spacetime
- Viqar Husain: Low energy Lorentz violation from modified dispersion at high energies
- Eugenio Bianchi: Entanglement entropy during inflation
- Shun-Pei Miao: Electrodynamic E ects from In ationary Gravitons
- Enrico D. Schiappacasse: Graviton Creation by Small Scale Factor Oscillations in an Expanding Universe
- Ian Morrison: Integrable QFTs in inflation
- Tomislav Prokopec: Quantum Scalar Corrections to the Gravitational Potentials on de Sitter Background
- Philippe Jetzer: Fundamental physics with space clocks in highly elliptic orbits
- Claus Laemmerzahl: Testing gravitomagnetism with clocks
- Jonathan Richardson: Search for Space-Time Correlations from the Planck Scale with the Fermilab Holometer
- Johanna Karouby: Quantum Gravitational Force Between Polarizable Objects
- Paul Anderson: Method to compute the stress tensor for quantum elds outside of a black hole that forms from collapse
- Jan E. Aman: Thermodynamic Metrics for Black Hole Physics
- Yongwan Gim: Effective Tolman temperature induced by trace anomaly
- Daniel Sudarsky: The black hole information paradox in the light of quantum theories involving dynamical spontaneous state reduction
- Sebastian Schuster: Sparsity of the Hawking Flux
- Ko Sanders: Local vs. global temperature for QFT in curved spacetimes
- Ibrahim Semiz: Test matter fields, (near-)extremal black holes, and weak cosmic censorship
- Alejandro Satz: Vacuum polarization throughout subtracted black hole spacetimes
- Partha Sarathi Majumdar: Black Hole Entropy Perspective on Neutron Star Mass
- Marc Casals: Quantum dress for a naked singularity
- Deborah Konkowski: Quantum resolution of timeline, classical singularities
- Goncalo Quinta: Quantum Vacuum polarization in Large Dimensional Spacetimes
- Adam Levi: Stress tensor regularization and BH evaporation
- Peter Taylor: A practical and efficient mode-sum renormalization scheme for computing vacuum polarization in black hole
- Birses Debir: Post Newtonian Approximation of Black Hole Entropy
- Larry Ford: Probability and E ects of Large Stress Tensor Fluctuations
- Beatriz Elizaga Navascues: Uniqueness of the Fock quantization of Dirac fields with unitary dynamics
- Cesar Uliana: On Symmetry Breaking and the Unruh E ect
- George Lavrelashvili: Towards solution of negative mode problem in quantum tunnelling with gravity
- Lucas Hackl: Entanglement production and Lyapunov exponents
- Breno Giacchini: Light bending in superrenormalizable higher-derivative gravity
- Shih-Yuin Lin: Radiation by an Unruh-DeWitt Detector in Oscillatory Motion
- Andre Landulfo: From quantum to classical instability in relativistic stars
- Collin Capano: Results of searching for binary black holes in the rst observing run of Advanced LIGO
- Dave Reitze: The Impact of GW150914 on Interferometer Design
- Thomas Dent: The mass distribution of coalescing binary black holes from ground-based GW observations
- Tomoya Kinugawa: Binary black hole remnants of First stars for the gravitational wave source
- Bernard F. Whiting: A stochastic gravitational-wave background from binary black hole mergers
- Nicolas Yunes: Theoretical Physics Implications of the Binary Black-Hole Merger GW150914: Gravitational wave Generation and Propagation
- Mark Hannam: Zooming in on black holes: numerical-relativity follow-up to GW observations
- Geoffrey Lovelace: Modeling merging black holes with numerical relativity in the era of first gravitational- wave observations
- Carlos Lousto: Black Hole Simulationsfor Gravitational Waves Modeling
- Paolo Pani: Is the gravitational-wave ringdown a probe of the event horizon?
- Carlos Palenzuela: Merger of weakly-interacting compact objects
- Kent Yagi: Theoretical Physics Implications of the Binary Black-Hole Merger GW150914: Kerr Hypothesis and Smaller-con dence Observations
- Emanuele Berti: Complementarity of Earth- and space-based detectors: binary populations and tests of strong gravity
The final program will become available a couple weeks before the event.