Columbia University Undergraduate Residence Halls
Dormitory-style housing in a corridor style building. Guests will share bathrooms with other conference participants. You may explore different residences here. Which residence hall the confernce participants will be housed in is currently not specified. Rooms are available for reservation from Sunday, July 10 to Friday, July 15, 2016.
The housing rate for the 5 nights of the conference is $425.00 plus tax per person.
UPDATE on April 13, 2016: Additional rooms were added and reservation deadline is extended until June 10, 2016, or until rooms last.
Online ReservationDormitory style housing at the Towers at City College
The Towers is located in upper Manhattan on the campus of the City College (map) in approximately 20 minutes walking distance from Columbia campus. City College is two subway stops uptown from Columbia. It is also accessible by the M11 bus line running along Amsterdam Avenue right by the Columbia campus. City College runs a shuttle between the 125th st A,C,B,D subway station and its sampus. This shuttle stops at the Towers and is free to use by those who stay at the dorms.
You may explore the Towers here.
Rooms are available for reservation from Sunday, July 10 to Friday, July 15, 2016 (checkout). The single occupancy housing rate for the 5 nights of the conference is $360.00. All rooms that are available for our conference attendees are single occupance in 4 bedroom/2bath units.
The accomodation reservation can be accessed via this link.HOTELS
The hotels in the table below are holding rooms for our conference for July 10(check-in)-15(checkout).
-At each of the hotels below, a limited number of rooms may be available for the night of July 9th for guest who wish to arrive early.
-Additionally, at each of the hotels below a good portion of the rooms may be booked for the night of July 15th as well, for guests who wish to stay an extra night.
***The conference program is expected to end mid-day on Friday July 15th. Those who wish to catch a flight in the evening of July 15th may be able to do that.***
Please inquire at the reservation phone number provided for the hotel of your choice if you would like to extend your stay beyond the nights of July 9-15. Roooms may be available, but may not offer the conference rate.
Please make sure that you understand the hotel's cancellation policy for your reservation before making your choice.
Click here for hotel map.
Update on June 10th: Some hotels below extended their cutoff day slightly beyond the original cutoff of June 10th, please see below which are those. You may need to call to receive the rate if the hotel's website is not updated with this new information.
Hotel Rate Cut-off Date Online Reservation link Reservation Phone Number** Aloft Harlem $209* Friday, 6/14/16 link 1-877-462-5638 Hotel Belleclaire $169(Standard 1 Full bed), $199(King/Deluxe Queen or Double) Friday, 6/16/16 link 1-877-468-3522, Group Code: GR2116 Hudson $169(Standard 1 Queen bed), $249(Deluxe Studio) Thursday, 5/26/16 link 1-702-577-2830 or 1-800-606-6090, Group Code: UC0916 Marrakech Hotel $169(1 Full bed), $199(2 Full beds), $189(1 Queen bed) Friday, 6/17/16 Please call to reserve. 1-212-222-2954, Group Code: ICGR16 NYLO $209(Standard Queen or King) Friday, 6/10/16 link 1-800-509-7598, Group Code: 21INTE Hotel Edison $179*, $259(Suite) Friday, 6/17/16 Please call to reserve. 1-800-637-7070 The rates do not include tax and fees.
*Run of the house rate, may be single or double room.
**Group name at each of these hotels is '21st International Conference on General Relativity and Gravitation'. If a separate group code is available it is provided in the table above.
Please contact the hotels directly at the above numbers of you have any questions.Teacher's Colleage Guest Rooms
These rooms are available only for July 11(check-in) - July 15 (check-out). The total rate is $532 for the 4 nights.
Total ten rooms are being held by the conference organizers until 6/10/16.
***Please send an email request to with suject heading 'TC accommodation request' to get the rooms released for you***.